Since the architecture of many of these old theaters is by nature very similar, I have noticed my compositions have unintentionally become a little stagnant. So I have started looking for more unexpected ways to capture each theater and its relationship with surrounding objects and buildings. I think the shots of the Avon in Heber City are the first ones where this effort has really begun to show.

Ah yes, the Murray is my favorite. Less than a mile from our house. The old folks in the ward still talk about when it was the place to be on weekends and how it was packed almost every night.
What is the name of the place about five miles north of the Murray theater on State Street?
Yeah, the Murray is a cool one. It's in pretty good shape compared to a lot of the theaters I have shot.
You're probably thinking of the Avalon at 3605 S State (compared to the Murray at 4961 S State). It's on my to-shoot list.
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