Today we got to go in for our gender check ultrasound. I was thrilled that my doctor does this... even if we had to pay a small fee for it. For me, it is definitely worth paying $25 to know 4 weeks earlier than we otherwise would've.

The tech started the ultrasound by figuring out the baby's position, measuring the length, and getting pictures of legs and arms. Morsel was in a funny position for checking gender and I was initially worried that we were going to be disappointed. Luckily, Morsel was on the move, so eventually we got a look. I was pretty sure I knew the gender before the tech finally told us. She really drew it out, conceivably just to make sure she was right, but I think it was partly for the sake of suspense. Eventually she got the transducer in the right position and this is what we saw:

It's a girl!
The tech was even nice enough to show us more than once, even though it was really obvious with the baby in such a position. I am hoping that being so sure this time around will reduce the anxiety I had when pregnant with Eddie. At his ultrasound, Dave and I were baffled at how the tech knew it was a boy and I was not entirely sure I could trust her. So for the duration of the pregnancy, I had dreams that he would end up being a girl. In avoiding such unnecessary stress this time around, now I can give my full attention to buying as many cutesy outfits as possible.
yay! Let the shopping begin :-)
YAY! I am so excited that you are having a girl. That is going to be sooooooo much fun. Congratulations! :D
I knew it!!!! I am so excited for you. I think it is perfect to have a boy first and a girl second. :) So exciting! Are you still feeling pretty sick?
Yea! One of each is the way to go.
Yay!! I am so happy for you guys. You will love having a girl and a boy.
Congrats!! We need another girl in our little group of kids. Girls have the cutest clothes too. Have fun shopping!!
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