Previously: Wasatch Front to Back
Usually when we come across an old theater I am with Kristen and Eddie, so I don't always have a lot of time to work with. They wait patiently as I hop out of the car and take 10-15 shots, of which I typically pick 2-3 favorites to post. But when we were up in Logan for the Barton Family Reunion last month, I got up bright and early on Saturday morning so I could shoot the Utah Theatre by myself. Without anyone waiting around for me, I went a little overboard, eventually taking over 60 photos. And with more to choose from, I ended up with more favorites. So this will be my first installment dedicated to a single theater (unless you want to count the adjacent Caine Lyric Theatre in the wide shot of the street).
1 month ago
Love the last one of the lamp. Very cool.
Eddie and I wouldn't have been at all distracting while you shot 60 photos... we probably would've only honked the horn a few dozen times. We are very supportive.
Of all the dollar movies I saw there, for some reason, the only one I can specifically remember was watching Star Trek 4 up in the balcony... I think I slept through most of it.. Good times.
I remember sleeping through Clear and Present Danger there.
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