The North Logan Pumpkin Walk has become a fall tradition for my family. Every October, Cache Valley residents create themed displays out of pumpkins. It's really kind of lame, but the kids enjoy it, so I guess it's not a bad event to plan a family get-together around. Plus, it's a good excuse to visit Logan in the fall to see the changing leaves. Man, I miss living in a place with lots of big trees.

Eddie started out wearing his pup leash, but it only took him approximately 9 seconds to trip and fall in a pile of muddy leaves. Luckily my sister had a spare stroller since we forgot to bring ours. Not that he was content to just sit and ride, mind you.

Before walking through the pumpkin displays, there are a bunch of character cut-outs for kids to pose in. You gotta capture these moments of future embarrassment when the opportunity presents itself, right?

This one's a little more like it, I suppose.

A pair of wild things roll their terrible eyes and gnash their terrible teeth.

Things got a little R-rated along the way.

Eddie's hands down favorite was the animated Rice Krispies display.
A vintage "snap crackle pop" jingle from the '50s was playing on a loop, so Eddie stood next to it bopping his head and thrusting his pelvis for a good 10 minutes. He eventually left, but soon returned to continue boogying.

It was December of 1989. The Berlin Wall was coming down. The first full-length episode of
The Simpsons, "Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire," premiered on Fox. Bono was still wearing
pirate pants. And the Barton family, adorned in their finest sweaters and turtlenecks, headed down to the local Sears Portrait Studio to show off their pasty complexions and glazed smiles. I give you... The Monstrosity.
Ah, the pumpkin walk. One year they had a display based on the classic Calvin & Hobbes snowman cartoons. It was great. And Eddie seems to be crafting his signature dance move.
Also, thanks for posting the monstrosity. Dave,no Sammy Davis Jr pin to go along with your Cosby sweater?
I loved that Eddie liked the Little Mermaid cut out better than all the others.
He makes a good mermaid. Better try the fix this problem ASAP!
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