After going to Lagoon on Friday, we stayed over at Marc and Hali's house in Syracuse that night. Since one evening with the Bartons just isn't enough, they joined us the next morning as we headed up to our family cabin for the remainder of the weekend.

On the way we stopped for lunch at the
Gateway Grille (that extra "e" on the end really makes all the difference, don't you think?), a little family-style restaurant on Main Street in Kamas. As we looked over the menu, our waitress informed us that the special of the day was prime rib for $6.95. Did I dare order prime rib that was less than $7? No, I couldn't bring myself to do it. But after finishing my thoroughly average barbecue chicken sandwich, I wished I would have taken the chance. Kristen, meanwhile, gave her mushroom swiss burger high marks.

Once we got settled in at the cabin, we started a
Cosby Show marathon on the projector. We watched half of season two over the course of the weekend. I was surprised how many of the episodes were so fresh in my mind from when I watched them as a kid. The down-to-earth storylines and humor of the show have held up surprisingly well. And boy howdy, what about those fashions? I have been inspired to start a sweater collection.

As we got up Sunday morning we were greeted with a few inches of freshly fallen snow. After breakfast we bundled up the kids and went outside to play in it.

We gave Eddie some handfuls of snow which he enjoyed licking and eating (don't worry, we made sure it wasn't yellow).

He wasn't quite as fond of the snow after Calvin put a big handful down the collar of his coat. Luckily it didn't take them long to patch things up once we got back inside.
That Calvin sounds like quite the troublemaker. Much like his namesake, Calvin Andhobbes, no? Also, those Cosby fashion will live on forever, as far as I'm concerned. And the Cosby Show is filmed before a live studio audience.
Krissy i LOVE your hair color. Cosby sweaters will never be a thing of the past. What a great pic of calvin and eddie vegging on the stairs. . . looks like a hard day for them :D
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