As our last post of 2007, we did a month-by-month review to close out the year. However, that seemed a little unnecessary for 2008 since our blog has been around the whole year to document everything. Though I am generally lousy with math and numbers, for some reason I love pouring over stats, so to close out this year, I have compiled this very useful statistical report.
Total Posts in 2008: 127
After not really knowing what to do with our blog during its first few months of existence at the end of 2007, I'd like to think we found our voice in early 2008—and we have been rehashing the same ideas ever since.
Number of Spin-Offs: 1
After the success of Eddie's Spin-Off Showcase, you can look forward to more branches on our blog family tree in 2009, such as Tad's Tank of Terror, where our current (and longest living) fish documents how he manages to survive day to day in cursed waters.
Number of Posts Per Contributor
1. Dave - 100
2. Kristen - 27
This breakdown might seem a little lopsided, but even though the majority of posts are credited to me, most are collaborative to varying degrees. Plus, Kristen has devoted a good deal of her blogging prowess in recent months to making Eddie's Spin-Off Showcase the best darn baby blog ever (not that the competition's particularly fierce).
Average Number of Posts Per Month: 10.6
I have made it an unofficial goal of the Dave & Kristen Show to reach double digit posts every month. Why? Because I am borderline OCD.
Average Number of Days Between Posts: 2.9
Well let's see, 10 posts a month, which is typically 30 days... that means a new post about every 3 days. See, I'm not that bad at math.
Most Words Dedicated to a Single Subject Not Named Eddie/Smidgen
1. Batman - 6390
2. Indiana Jones - 5593
I more or less predicted this outcome back in March. More words are likely to come in 2009 for '08's "Champion of Verbosity" if I ever get around to bringing back my "Caped Crusader Cinema" series as originally promised. Was that a chorus of groans I just heard?
Most Comments on a Single Post
1. Long Live the Holiday Special Poll - 13 comments
2. (TIE) Bonology Poll, Introducing Edward James Barton, Battle of the Bonds Poll - 12 comments
The polls continue to be our most commented posts, so we will continue to crank them out. Coming soon: "Vote For Your Favorite Dave & Kristen Show Poll". Just remember though, poll or not, we always want comments.
So there you have it. Here's to another successful blogging year in 2009.
1 month ago
Can't wait to hear from Tad!
Do the statistics include the statistics post?
Understanding your OCD the way only a brother can, I can see how you'd want to go out with exactly 100 posts for the year. So if you had already posted 100, would you have delayed this post until January 1?
If we get enough people to comment on the statistics post, will you change the post to state that it has the most comments?
Do you also enjoy the statistical report during general conference? It's Russ's fave.
More Batman posts!
You still have to do the original Batman movie and our own batman movie.
I would also like to point out that I am the first person to coment on your blog in 2009.
That's gotta mean something, right?
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