Here are some other notable ornaments we have collected over the years:

Darth Vader
A gift from my sister Cheryl, this ornament has been a mainstay on the family Christmas tree for the better part of ten years. Darth plugs into the tree lights, so every time the tree lights up, he chimes in by saying "The force is with you young Skywalker... but you are not a Jedi yet." That's right, every time for ten years. This never gets old, really!

Jack Skellington
We acquired the distinguished Mr. Skellington at Disneyland while the Haunted Mansion had a Nightmare Before Christmas makeover. We didn't even realize until we got home that the trash can lid on the back comes off to reveal his trusty canine companion, Zero.

Bipolar Santas
The second Christmas after we were married, we got a big new tree. Since we only had a modest collection of ornaments at that point, we went on a bit of a shopping spree to fill it out. Kristen picked out the Santa on the left, which I immediately deemed too cutesy, and I picked out the one on the right, which has been affectionately dubbed "Sad Sack Santa" because of his sullen countenance. If he could talk, I'd like to think he would sound like Eeyore. "Oh no, not Christmas again..."

Gandalf the Grey
The story behind this one isn't all that interesting—we found it on clearance at Hallmark after Christmas and couldn't help ourselves. But it gives me a good excuse to mention that Kristen's voice is lower than usual right now because of a lingering cold, which allows her to do a great Gandalf impression: "You... shall not... pass!"

Gingerbread Castle
While searching for a new ornament during our trip to Disney World last year, there were plenty of Cinderella's castle ornaments to be found. However, it wasn't until we found this one, recreated with gingerbread, that our eyes lit up.

Creepy Bear
Last year, Kristen's grandma handed out a bunch of old ornaments at the family Christmas party that had been her great grandma's, and we ended up with this creepy looking bear. With part of his right eye missing, stitches down his middle, and overall dingy appearance, he looks like a rejected character design from The Nightmare Before Christmas. I don't think he could have found a better home.
What's with the gingerbread men stuck on Cutesy Santa's stomach?
There's something about the moose that reminds me of Eddie. Maybe its his feet :-)
Glad Darth is still a mainstay on your tree. Love Ed's moose.
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