As I pulled into the office parking lot this morning, one of my coworkers was standing by the front door on her cell phone. As I approached, her exact words were "You are going to die." "Why, what happened?" I asked. I quickly found out as I walked inside. A water heater on the second floor had ruptured and had been gushing water for who knows how long. The ceilings were dripping and there was an inch or two of standing water on the floor throughout. Luckily, I had the foresight to wear flip flops today.
Thanks to a couple of overworked Shop-Vacs, we got a lot of the water sucked up, and the office manager made the call that every insurance agent dreads. Utah Distaster Kleenup eventually arrived to lend a hand. (Let me tell you, nothing says "we can help in your time of need!" like a deliberately misspelled business name.) I stuck around until early afternoon, moving around water-logged office furniture and such. Here are some photos I took of the damage. Can you guess which one is my office?

It just looks like you have a shiny linoleum floor... but really it's carpet. Hopefully they don't have to replace it all. Good thing you have so many scented candles around or you might start coming home smelling of mildew.
Hey my brother works for UDK. I will have to ask him about that when I see him this weekend.
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