Since we visit Kristen's parents in Cedar City every few months, I suggested to Kristen that we stop in Beaver and find Annie's so I could relive this childhood memory. For our first attempt last October, we pulled off the freeway and drove though town, but didn't spot the little drive-in anywhere, so we ended up eating at Dairy Queen instead. After some internet research, I eventually discovered that Annie's had been renamed Mel's.

We went down to Cedar City again in early February, so we scheduled another stop in Beaver. Knowing what we were looking for this time, we quickly spotted Mel's on Main Street. As I walked in, the cramped quarters, vinyl upholstered booths, and pinball machine in the corner all instantly registered in my mind. We placed our order, but when I handed my debit card to the cashier, she notified me that they didn't take them—only cash or checks—which we didn't have. It was off to Dairy Queen once again.
As we were planning our latest trip down south this past weekend, I once again expressed my desire to eat at Mel's. Kristen half heartedly agreed, ready to just get this trip down memory lane over with already. But armed with the proper location and a wallet full of cash, the third time proved to be the charm.
Once we finished our meal, I pulled out of a pair of quarters so I could enjoy a game of Lord of the Rings pinball. Now this was obviously not their original machine, but part of the tradition nonetheless. I wracked up about 5 million points during my game. While this sounds like a lot, it was still something like 13 million points short of an extra play. Their modest arcade also included an old shooting game called Turkey Hunter, which I almost played just out of morbid curiosity. A few miles down the road, we started laughing at the thought of picking off pixelated turkeys, and I soon found myself wishing I had tried it. There's always next time.
Maybe if you go to Beaver again, you can also stop at the cheese factory and get some squeaky cheese.
Mel's Drive Inn was actually a Dairy Queen originally.
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