The third and final snack I made for the big game, which I didn't include in my post last week, was a new Chex mix recipe. I had recently noticed it on a box of Chocolate Chex, and thought that it sounded good. After trying it out, it is definitely a keeper. Kristen and I kept sneaking pieces on Saturday afternoon, and even considered telling everyone that it turned out gross so we could eat it all ourselves. Can it knock Muddy Buddies off its perch as the most addicting cereal based snack mix? Time will tell.
Chocolate Chex Caramel Crunch
• 8 cups Chocolate Chex cereal
• 1 cup packed brown sugar
• 1/2 cup butter or margarine
• 4 tablespoons light corn syrup
• 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
• 1/2 cup vanilla baking chips
Measure cereal into a large microwavable bowl; set aside. Line cookie sheet with waxed paper.

In small microwavable bowl, microwave vanilla baking chips uncovered on High about 1 minute 30 seconds or until chips can be stirred smooth. Drizzle over snack (we used an icing tip to get nice thin strokes like the photo). Refrigerate until set. Store in tightly covered container.
Just so you don't think everything I touch in the kitchen turns to gold, I was making some cookies last night—a recipe I have made several times before. As I started gathering ingredients, I realized we didn't have enough butter. We did have Crisco, so rather than running to the store, I just used that instead, faithfully following the butter conversion directions on the can. The recipe said to bake the cookies for 8-9 minutes, and warned not to overcook them, but when the oven timer went off, they just did not look done, so I left them in for another few minutes. But instead of taking shape like a good cookie should, they pretty much melted. Here's a photo of the deflated final result.

Speaking of substituting Crisco...the other day I was making mac and cheese for Landon and realized we didn't have any butter. Yep, I used Crisco (only a tablespoon) and no I didn't try it to see if it tasted the same. Landon didn't eat it either.
Crisco sucks! But those cookies still look dang good. I'd eat one right now.
Speaking of Mac N Cheese without butter, once in college we didn't have any milk so we just added water. I honestly couldn't tell the difference. Could it be because I usually use skim milk?
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