Now that all of this gallbladder unpleasantness is out of the way, we can get on with more important issues, specifically, what should Eddie be for Halloween? We have narrowed it down to the following choices. Let your voice be heard.

Disclaimer: All costumes subject to availability and may differ from photos. Dave & Kristen reserve right to override final poll results and choose any costume they want.
My vote is for the Little Devil. There's something just right about a child dressed up as an imp/demon.
I mean, many tiny Chewbaccas will there be in the neighborhood?
I can't choose just one, they are all so cute. I'll have to give it some serious thought. I think he would love to play with the tail of the monkey, I love Robin's cape, but I don't know that Eddie would like to wear that mask. Eddie is two cute to be a devil. I may just have to go with Chewie though.
I felt bad for that poor little monkey baby... not getting any votes! Besides, Eddie would look super cute in that monkey suit, and he would love the tail. He would chew on that like there's no tomorrow.
Of course, I can't really decide which one I like best... which is why we have a poll!
I couldn't help but vote for the Little Devil, because I can almost hear the baby in the photo laughing maniacally. Not that it makes much difference at this point, it appears to be a one wookiee race.
Okay, I'd have to go with the monkey. I especially like the swirls in the ears. It looks like it'd keep him warm too.
Oh man! So many options. How can I pick just one? Maybey you could combine them all into one costume.
I'm thinking the chewbacca costume with devil horns, monkey tail and robins mask and cape.
If he goes as Robin will you and Kristen be Batman and Batgirl?
I actually voted twice. Once for Robin and one for Chewy.
Oh, and Neil likes the devil and Joshua votes for the monkey.
Robin. My little boy is being Batman.
Kristin, I graduated from USU with Dave. I am not just a random stalker.
Definitely the wookie! That's what I would be! You and Dave can be Han and Lea.
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