By way of an update, Eddie has now topped 13 pounds (according to our extremely accurate bathroom scale). Even though he's still 2 weeks away from being 3 months old, he already wears 6-month size pajamas, or "jammeroos" as his mommy likes to call them. The kid is long and lean, except in the thigh region (where he is wide and shapely).
Among his developing abilities is the uncanny knack for sensing when dinner is going on the table, as he rarely allows Kristen and I to share a meal together. He can also recognize the precise moment when he is about to drift off to sleep so that he can promptly eject his binky and angrily rub his face against the nearest surface (my chest, his hands, the carpet, etc), thus remaining awake and proving who's really the boss 'round these parts.
Is that his real eye color? Thanks for throwing in an Eddie post before your essay on the Dark Knight :-)
I love that photo.
That is insane that, even in a black and white photo, Eddie's blue eyes pierce through the spectrum. He would have been a star back in the days of black and white tv!
As far as I know that is his actual eye color. Dave kept trying to change it and I kept telling him to change it back. Honestly, I'm not sure if the final product kept the original color.
While I did heighten the blue a little bit for effect, the photo is relatively faithful to his true color.
He is so sweet...
You're a talented photographer! This is an adorable photo!
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