Today was Eddie's blessing day. We discovered when we got to church that there were actually five baby blessings (and a confirmation) scheduled for Sacrament meeting. Luckily I got to go first so I didn't have to stress about it through all the other blessings (having a last name that starts with 'B' really pays off sometimes). Plus, thanks to the plethora of visitors, it took extra long for the sacrament to be passed.
So by the time the first counselor got up to commence the testimonies and remind everyone that we needed to conclude at five after, it was already 2:00. When all was said and done, there was only time for three people to get up (best...testimony meeting...ever). We had family and friends over to our house afterwards for cookies and ice cream. I was busy entertaining and didn't have much of a chance to take many photos, but here are the few I have. If others have more pictures on their cameras, please send them our way.

The guest of honor. Little Eddie and his posh blessing romper elicited lots of sighs from the ladies. This is how he spent most of the day—sleeping.

The high school gang. That's my friend Scott, his daughter Lucy, me and Eddie, Marc, and his son Calvin. My mom remarked how amazing it has been that the three of us have managed to stay close after all these years. It has been quite a ride.

Our little family. I'm the only one that didn't get a new outfit for the occasion. What a jip.
Once again, thanks to all our friends and family who were able to attend with us and make the day extra special.
Congrats-- glad we could be there. Russ is recovered from eating a whole row of peanut butter bars on an empty stomach. It was a lovely day..
Sounds like your Fast Sunday couldn't have gone any better. In our ward, for the first time in my life I witnessed a Bishop get up and tell a testimony-bearer (in a nice, Bishoply-way) to sit down, he was taking too much time (poor old man).
Oh yes and your son looks precious.
Such a nice day. Chris felt bad he missed out on all the baby celebration events.
I'm going to take the picture of you, me and Marc and use it on my own blog, hope you don't mind. And if you do mind then just get over it.
Oh, and Kristen, will you be posting the recipe for the delicious jam filled cookies??
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