We are pleased to announce that "Ten Things..." is going to be a recurring post on our blog. Mostly because lists are just so easy to make (just ask Ann Cannon). This installment is inspired by the ridiculous dreams I have. I am one of those people who remember their dreams quite often and they are always really bizarre. A few disclaimers: (1) I have complete faith in Dave’s abilities as a father, (2) my brother Jason is a lovely person, and (3) I am not completely crazy.
10. Honorary Zoo-Keeper: When I was a kid, I had a dream that I was at the zoo and a baby seal somehow got out of its tank. Luckily, I was there to throw it back in, earning me the title “Honorary Zoo-Keeper of the Day.” One of the perks of this title was that I got to view the animals up close, outside their cages.
9. Cheerleader Extraordinaire: Not too long ago, I dreamt that I tried out for the high school cheer squad and completely dazzled the judges with my amazing cheerleading skills. Of course, I had to keep it a secret that I wasn’t actually in high school or they would’ve kicked me off the squad, which would’ve been devastating.

7. Airport Fiasco: Before I was even pregnant, I dreamt that I had twin boys, one of which was named Jason. My aunt Debra, the twins, and I were all at the airport and Debra was holding Jason. Suddenly, to my embarrassment, Jason started peeing all over the airport and I couldn’t find the bathroom. So there I am, running all over with this baby at arms length, spraying everything. I’m not sure why his diaper wasn’t functioning properly.
6. A Girl Smidgen: Although the tech who performed our ultrasound seemed rather confident in her assertion that Smidgen is a boy, I remain slightly skeptical, especially when I have dreams like this. I dreamt that Smidgen, a girl, was born and we took her home from the hospital to my Grandma’s house. During my attempt to change her into her pajamas, of course there was a diaper malfunction, only it was not pee this time. And like baby Jason from the airport dream, once this baby started, there was no stopping her…and I, as the inexperienced mother, wasn’t quite sure what to do until we were both completely coated.

4. The Muffin Man: We were in Cedar City for Christmas with my family, and I really wanted muffins for breakfast. I accidentally slept in and when I got up, I was relieved to find that there was one muffin left in the basket. So I say, “oh good, there’s one muffin left for me!” Of course, Jason instantly snatches it up and shoves the entire thing in his mouth. I was so mad that I jumped on him and started pummeling his head with my fists. Perhaps I have a bit of pent-up aggression – or an unnatural affinity for muffins.

2. Dave’s Parenting Skills, Part II: This dream was prompted by Dave choosing not to attend the breastfeeding class that I signed up for. Apparently that caused some undue stress. I dreamt that Smidgen was born and we brought him home. For some reason, Dave was the one who was supposed to do the breastfeeding – only he didn’t go to the class and didn’t know how to do it. I was all sorts of upset with him because who else was going to feed the baby?!

Clearly, I have some subconscious concerns about my parenting abilities.
Those are funny, I think you'll do a great job as a mother. I forgot about those crazy dreams you have a the end.
Number 9 sounds like the makings of a great movie. Take that thing to Hollywood!
Any number of these could be great movies. Number 2 for instance could be the sequel to Arnold Schwarzenegger's Junior. I always wondered what happened next in that story.
Kristen, you crack me up! I think #5 was prompted by reading too many Stephanie Meyer books!
Okay, about this vampire dream, I'm just wondering which friend it was who was sacrificed to the vampire. I know you wouldn't ever sacrifice me to a vampire, right? Maybe a werewolf instead?
Sorry to admit it, Caitlin, but it really was you. In my defense, both Mindy and I ditched you... not just me. :)
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