A recent project I have been working is getting all of my mission photos organized and put into a nice book (with Kristen's help). Iowa might not have been the most glamorous destination, but one thing there was never a shortage of was amazing sunsets. So I have quite the collection of sunset photos, which now become the subject of our latest poll. Vote for your favorite, and don't forget to leave a comment, you know the drill.

Za-Ga-Zig Shrine Temple - Altoona, Iowa

Prairie Meadows Racetrack & Casino - Altoona, Iowa

Iowa State Fair - Des Moines, Iowa

Winter Farmscape - Carroll, Iowa

Solitary Tree - Fort Dodge, Iowa

Approaching Storm - Fort Dodge, Iowa
It was a tossup between the shrine and the tree. I almost voted twice, but then the tree won out.
I voted for the Iowa State Fair. I'm not sure why. I just like it.
I voted for the farm scene because it was pretty. I'm too tired to think of a better reason than that, but I was wondering what you were doing at a casino on your mission!
I would have to say the State Fair, I am so sick of snow I only want to see summer things.
It's only "fair" that I "state" that my vote is for #3. All the sunsets look nice, but the detail of the skyriding silhouettes help make this one my favorite. I think it captures a great mood, and compels me to go to Lagoon (which is no small feat).
The tree was a close second.. nice camera work, Dave.
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