What is his name? Most people call him Dave. I call him whatever pops into my head when addressing him.
How long have you been together? I’m no good at math. We started dating in September 2003 and it is now February 2008. Wowza! That’s 4.5 years!
How long did you date? We dated for about 4 months before getting engaged, then were engaged for about 4 months.
How old is he? REALLY old. I mean, 27.
Who eats more? It depends on the day, my mood, the current risk of heartburn, and what food is available. I would say generally I eat more. But I’m eating for two. I definitely eat more jello than he does.
Who said I love you first? Dave did (shocking, I know)!
Who's taller? Well it’s a pretty close call…if I had to guess, I’d guess Dave.
Who can sing better? Dave sings like an angel.
Who is smarter? Currently, Dave. Generally, me. Pregnancy makes a person dumb.
Who does the laundry? The washing machine mostly. Sometimes I start it, sometimes Dave starts it. Usually if I start it, I forget all about it and Dave has to move stuff to the dryer. But I do all the ironing. I think that deserves more credit than starting the washing machine.
Who pays the bills? Usually Dave because I forget things and if I was in charge, we would have all our utilities shut off.
Who sleeps on the right side? Smidgen, Mervis (my body pillow), and I do. It gets crowded over there, but Dave won’t relinquish any of “his half.”
Who mows the lawn? The Community Association.
Who cooks dinner? Mostly Dave because he gets home so much earlier than me. I try to help out when I can, but preparing food is not the most enjoyable activity for me at this point… unless it’s jello.
Who drives? Dave. I have too much road rage.
Who is more stubborn? Depends on the issue. If it's about going to see chick flicks, then Dave is more stubborn (to a ridiculous degree). If it’s keeping our bedroom tidy, I am more stubborn.
Who kissed who first? Well, it was sort of a two-person thing.
Who asked who out first? Dave asked me.
Who proposed? Dave, of course.
Who has more friends? It seems like I have my friends, but then Dave’s friends are OUR friends (because we hang out with them a lot more often). So I think that would mean I have the most.
Who is more sensitive? HA! Anyone who would ask such a question must not know my husband. I’ll put it this way: Dave is incapable of producing tears. I make up for it.
Who has more siblings? Dave. He has one brother and two sisters. I have two brothers.
Who wears the pants? We both wear pants…especially during the winter when it’s freakin’ cold.
Heather and Melissa: Consider yourselves tagged!
1 comment:
Dave sings like and angel? Really?
I'm flatered to hear you finally think of me as one of your freinds not just someone you put up with because you love your husband.
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