The other morning while riding my bike I noticed this climbing apparatus. It looks like it was built for Spider-Man. I don't know many kids that are agile enough to follow its twists and turns. Still, it makes for an interesting photo composition.

Exhibit H
We were able to track down these baby swings thanks to a recommendation from our neighbor Kristina. Now Eddie can enjoy a lovely panorama of the whole valley while he swings, and his parents don't have to deal with crowds—it's a win-win situation. Like most recent trips to the park, this one was cut short by rain.
Due to popular demand (okay, really it was just Christie), here is a video of me demonstrating how to use Exhibit C from the previous post. The things I do for our blog.
Some people might pay a lot of money to work out with equipment like that. Works your arms and your legs at the same time.
Thank you, that made my night.
Wow, things are alot more complicated than when I was a kid
Nice shirt
It was designed by the ASUSU Athletics VP if I'm not mistaken...
The soundtrack to the clip is what really made the demo complete. Reminded me of Pee Wee's Big Adventure. Great job on working the device, by the way.
Very astute, Jess. The music actually is from Pee Wee. "Tell 'em Large Marge sent ya!"
Holy crap! I haven't laughed that hard at your blog in SUCH a long time! Thanks!!!
Hey, this is starting to turn into a series of posts usually reserved for the spin-off. I guess since Eddie wasn't the only one using the playground equipment it passes, barely.
Just so you know, I keep coming back so I can watch your video clip again.. cracks me up every time..ha
Are we going to have a new record on the number of comments on one post? Perhaps we'll have to start posting videos of us doing lame things more often. Apparently that is what the people want.
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