1. Officially becoming a teenager
2. Showing some skin on the community swim team (and developing a severe crush on my coach, Todd)
3. Holding frequent Brad-A-Thons with my friend Mindi (for the unenlightened, a Brad-A-Thon involves watching as many Brad Pitt movies in one night as humanly possible while consuming mass quantities of Pepsi, peanut butter M&Ms, and chili cheese Fritos)
4. Riding with my family from Miami to Key West in a rental car fondly dubbed the "Cockroach-Mobile"
5. Applying large quantities of wax to my new braces that changed color monthly to coincide with the closest holiday
Five Things on my to-do list today:
1. Get up and make it to Trax without throwing up
2. Pack enough snacks to make it through the 9 hour work day and the 2 hour commute
3. Make it home with enough of an appetite to eat the dinner that Dave made
4. Convince Dave to give me a back rub (I am carrying his child after all)
5. Go to bed before 9:30 pm
Five Snacks I enjoy:
1. E.L. Fudge cookies
2. Tater tots smothered in ketchup
3. Anything that encourages the consumption of milk - despite Smidgen's (and my stomach's) objections
4. Dr. Pepper (or the nearest available bubbly beverage)
5. Ice cream (when I'm not pregnant)
Five things I would do if I were a Billionaire:
1. Quit my job
2. Push my car off a cliff and buy a Mini Cooper
3. Buy a house with bedrooms larger than closets
4. Visit England, Australia, and Hawaii
5. Pay someone to invent that teleport machine so that I never have to ride in a car for more than 5 minutes again!
Three of my bad habits:
1. Drooling in my sleep
2. Road rage
3. Cracking my knuckles (and any other joints that I can manage)
Five places I have lived:
1. South Jordan, UT
2. Salt Lake City, UT
3. Logan, UT
4. Provo, UT
5. Price, UT
Five jobs I’ve had:
1. Scheduling Specialist for the University of Utah
2. Poetry Judge for Creative Communications, Inc.
3. Cashier (and Best Practice Associate) at Sam's Club
4. Book shelver at the Logan City Library (for about a week)
5. Office Assistant for a chiropractor in Price.
Five things people probably don’t know about me:
1. I am a creature of comfort - I once listened to the Counting Crows, and pretty much nothing else, for an entire year (this drives Dave crazy)
2. I watched two hours of Dawson's Creek a day for the first few months of our marriage. I would then make sure to tell Dave all the juicy details.

4. I have refined my taste since the days of my Brad Pitt obsession (Hello Christian Bale and Daniel Craig...and I've given up chili cheese Fritos)
5. I managed to graduate from high school and get a Bachelor's degree in English Lit without ever reading such classics as To Kill a Mockingbird and Jane Eyre (don't worry, I have since read them both)
1 comment:
that was so fun to read! thanks!
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