What exactly makes 3 a magic number? Well, there are currently 3 members of our little family, Eddie was born on the 3rd day of May (3 months ago today), and most importantly, because Schoolhouse Rock says so. There you have it, 3 perfectly good reasons. On with the slideshow.
Drum Roll Please...
Some of you want more updates and photos of Eddie. Some of you don't want to be bothered with posts detailing how our baby blows the bestest spit bubbles in the whole wide world. Well, we are going to attempt to do the unthinkable and try to appease both camps. We are pleased to announce we are giving Eddie his very own spin-off blog, aptly titled "Eddie's Spin-Off Showcase," which will be all Ed, all the time. We hope this doesn't discourage the Eddie fans out there from still checking this blog regularly to get our demented take on whatever the heck happens to strike our fancy on a given day.
1 month ago
Seems like just yesterday I was visiting him in the hospital, time sure does fly.
How did Eddie know to throw up three fingers? The kid's a genius!
Kristen! Eddie is so cute. You guys did a good job. Tell Dave hi for me.
Some people have "Cute" grandkids. Some have "Smart" grandkids. We just have "Freakin' Beautiful Genius" grandkids.
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