Four Places I Go Over and Over Again
1. Target: For diapers, diapers, and more diapers!
2. Madsen Health Center: To see the midwife.
3. Steve & Melissa's Blog: Anxiously awaiting new posts. I am usually disappointed. (Zing!)
4. Crazyville: Ed drives me there.
Four Favorite Places to Eat

2. Winger's: Mmm... amazin' sauce...
3. Training Table: Mmm... ultimate dipping sauce (mayo + bbq sauce = crazy delicious)...
4. Anywhere Other Than Our Kitchen: Mmm... non-homemade non-healthy food...
Four Places I'd Rather Be
1. New York City: Without the expense.
2. England: Without that long plane ride.
3. In the Pool: Without gross diseases.
4. In Bed: Without being awake
Four TV Shows I Watch All the Time

2. The Price is Right: So pricey!
3. Designed to Sell: So design-y!
4. LOST: So twisty!
Kristen, you crack me up! Well, except for that comment about being disappointed at our blog. I mean, talk about damaging my self esteem...
You and my little girl both have something in common, you love "The Price is Right."
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