One-Eyed Willy. Admiral Ackbar. Egon Spengler. Buford "Mad Dog" Tannon. What do these names have in common? Why these were the names of the fish we had last year of course! Since the weather is warming up, Kristen and I are starting to think about getting some new fish. We came up with a list of potential names and realized this would be perfect for our latest poll. We may be getting two, so the top two vote getters both have the chance to get used. And we have yet to decide what to get, so the winning names could help "inform" the style of fish we choose. As always, don't forget to leave a comment explaining your choice.

Garth Algar - Wayne Campbell's lovable sidekick featured in SNL's
Wayne's World skits and movies. Although Wayne is the namesake, one could argue that Garth's antics often provided the highlights.
"If you're gonna spew, spew into this."

General Boo-Regard - Many of us have fond memories of the cartoon
Animaniacs. The show featured a plethora of absurd side characters, including Chicken Boo. The
General Boo-Regard episode still cracks us up for some reason.
"You wear a disguise to look like human guys, but you't not a man, you're a chicken boo."

Mola Ram - The leader of the dreaded Thuggee Cult, and nemesis of Indiana Jones and co. in
Temple of Doom. Among his many talents is the ability to pull a man's still beating heart out of his chest and make it spontaneously combust.
"Drop them, Dr. Jones! They will be found! You won't!"

Otto Octavius - Octavius was a respected scientist until (what else?) a freak accident fused mechanical arms to his body, and turned him into the monstrous Dr. Octopus, a formidable opponent for Spider-Man. Well, at least when Spidey isn't pining for Mary Jane.
"The power of the sun... in the palm of my hand!"

Tad Ghostal - The true identity of the superhero Space Ghost, who starred in the short-lived cartoon
Space Ghost and Dino Boy in the 60's. Tad eventually went on to achieve even greater fame as the host of his very own talk show in the 90's.
"I'll spank you smartly with my spank ray!"

Ulysses Everett McGill - Ever the Dapper Dan man, this fast talking escaped convict is also a paterfamilias, although we are unsure if he is bona fide.
"As soon as we get ourselves cleaned up and get a little smellum in our hair, why, we're gonna feel 100% better about ourselves, and about life in general."
McGill? Perfect name for a fish.. and I'm a big fan of that movie.
Garth would be my 2nd choice. So many classic lines..
I like to play.
"I like the smell of my hair treatment; the pleasing odor is half the point."
After an entire day of deliberation, I give my vote to Ulysses Everett McGill, thanks to his numerous one-liners. Tad Ghostal, Mola Ram, and General Boo-Regard were right on Everett's tail, but you just can't catch Everett, he's always one step ahead.
"The old tactician has got a plan. For the transportation that is, I don't know how I'm gonna keep my coiffure in order."
I feel that General Boo-Regard has been getting the shaft. I mean, did you people watch that cartoon? "He's a chicken, I tell ya!" That is one chicken who is brilliant at disguising himself and convincing *almost* everyone that he's human. So that is why he got my vote.
Of course, being an integral part of the name generating process means that I love all the names and think that if only our tank was bigger, we'd get 6 fish. I'm sure these first two will die fairly quickly and we'll be able to cycle through all the names within the year.
you can't go wrong with a name like that :)
"Tad Ghostal," Mikey says. "Because he's the best super-hero-talk-show-host cable tv has ever produced. And who else has guest stars like Macho Man Randy Savage, Raven Simone, Thome Yorke and Hanson. AND I've always wanted a laser beam on MY arm"
I keep thinking of Chicken Boo's sheepish "b'gock" when he is revealed to be a chicken, and it gets me every time.
Plus, paired with "Ulysses" Everett McGill, who seems to be the early favorite, we could have a Civil War themed fish tank.
I knew a Tad once. Seems like it would be a good fishy name.
I couldn't decide so I voted for Garth and McGill
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