We almost went to the new Olive Garden that just opened by our house, but changed our plans due to the huge crowds and excessive wait. Instead we checked out the nearby Mark Anthony's Italian Restaurant in Riverton. It was almost as good.
We almost ditched Eddie for a weekend road trip to see the Yankees take on the Angels in Southern California.
BYU and Utah "almost" busted the BCS. Allow me to speak for the 1% of the state that isn't a Ute or Cougar fan when I say I'm glad we don't have to endure the nonstop speculation for the rest of the season.

I am almost ready to commit to training for next year's community triathlon.
almost is still more than not.. and you guys can always come to the Sandy OG!! I'll take good care of you.
I also fall in to the 1%. Go aggies. They almost won.. ha!
Nice post.
I almost shed a tear for BYU...almost
My weekend was. I went to Denver for a couple of Rockies Cardinals games and they clinched the NL central. Weber State did win as did Utah. Where you "almost do" I just "do".
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