My family had its annual summer reunion this past weekend up in Logan. Here's the whole clan.

Friday night after dinner I busted out my spread of gourmet s'mores. In addition to the
combinations already tested, I added a few more options including Reese's peanut butter cups with banana slices, and Dove caramel-filled chocolates with strawberries.

As Kristen posted about
here, Eddie and all of his cousins tie-dyed shirts last week. As you can see, when wearing it he thinks he's the bee's knees.

Have I mentioned my family loves food? For those that might take issue with my camera work focusing on the grilled chicken with only my dad's hand in the frame, rest assured he wouldn't want it any other way.

We had planned an all-day trip to Bear Lake on Saturday, but the weather was rainy for most of the morning. After dilly-dallying the afternoon away, unsure if the rain was going to come back, we finally headed up to the lake in the evening.

We figured the water would be too cold for the kids to swim, but once we got there they jumped right in anyway, swimming and splashing until the sun went down.

Since we weren't planning on getting in the water, we didn't bring our swim suits. Eddie seemed content crawling around on the beach when he suddenly made a break for the water. We figured he would stop cold (literally) once his hand touched the water's edge, but we were wrong. He went straight in wearing the only pair of clothes we brought. Hence the reason for him being pantsless in the photo.
Thanks for posting such an awesome picture of me. Now I'm hungry too.
I'm thinking that maybe Dave will have to do some of his "magic" and switch some heads in the group photo.
I keep dreaming of my Reese's banana s'more...
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