Contrary to popular belief, our baby wasn't born with scissors for hands, for which Kristen is eternally grateful. Nor was he invented by Vincent Price, although that sure would have been cool.

Word on the street is that Edward is soon going to be a very trendy baby name, thanks to Stephenie Meyers' wildly popular Twilight series. We must be trendsetters then, because we liked the name long before this really, really ridiculously good looking vampire was setting teenage hearts afire.

While I do enjoy the musical stylings of Van Halen, to say this legendary guitar hero has issues is putting it midly. Plus, I don't want David Lee Roth camping out in our front yard, always asking when the next tour is.

What parent hasn't thought about what path their child will take? As a wise man once said, "we are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives." But as we contemplate our ambitions for Eddie, being the worst movie director of all time who also happens to cross dress isn't very high on the list.

I would like to apologize in advance to any of Eddie's cousins if, in the future, he ever happens to show up unexpectedly at your house for Christmas driving an RV.
I was thinking about the "Edward Cullen" one since I recently read this series (actually I still need to read Eclipse). My sister that is due in September liked the name Bella but then decided not to use it. Maybe lil' Eddie will have some Bella's in his classes growing up...
You mustn't forget the legendary Edward James Olmos, most notably from Battlestar Galactica, Stand and Deliver, and of course, Selena.
Eddie VanHalen and Edward Scissorhands were my two guesses as to the name inspiration. (but really I remember walking around Sugarhouse park with Kristen when you guys 1st moved to SLC and her telling me that you guys like the name Edward for your future son)
Given Kristen's penchant for literature, other possible inspirations, however concious or subconcious they might be, include e.e.cummings, Shakespeare's King Edward III, or Edward Abbey.
One of the workers at the hospital mentioned that we chose the names of two famous British kings, Edward and James. I guess that means that our little Eddie rules.
Wasn't there a horse named Mr. Ed and what about Ed McMahon from the Johhny Carson show.
Hey... I have no problem with Ed Wood. He was an original to say the least AND he looked pretty darn good in ladies' cashmere.
There's also Prince Edward from the movie "Enchanted". You can't forget about him.
I could forget about Prince Edward from "Enchanted" because I never saw the movie (and never will)!
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