After lunch at home on Saturday, Kristen and I started pondering how we should spend our afternoon. I expressed my desire to resume my movie theater photo series, and soon we were plotting a spontaneous road trip to Tooele. 45 minutes later, we were cruising Main in the little mining town. Kristen and the kids had fun playing at a local park while I photographed the Ritz Theatre (post coming soon).

As we took Highway 201 out past the Great Salt Lake, Kristen was quite flummoxed by its size. She sheepishly revealed that even though she has lived her whole life in Utah, this was the closest she had ever been to the lake. I determined a stop off at Saltair was in order on our return trip.

Eddie also responded enthusiastically in the affirmative when I asked if he wanted to see a castle. He was quite disappointed we couldn't go inside since the building is still closed for the season. And when we told him we needed to get back in the car so we could find something to eat, he insisted dinner was being served inside the castle.

We deliberated about what to eat along I-80 all the way into downtown Salt Lake before finally settled on Moochie's—a delicious end to the impromptu trip. All in all, it was a fun way to spend our Saturday, and we can't wait to take similar road trips throughout the spring and summer.
Love it, I'm sure they are serving dinner in the castle...What happened to Eddie's eye?
Eddie tripped and hit his face on the edge of his toy box. Now he has a lovely black eye. He was fine as soon as we all stopped mentioning that he had hurt himself. He says "I don't want an owie!"
And I am still baffled that the lake is so huge. Who knew?!
If they were serving dinner in Saltair, I like to think it would be something akin to Medieval Times.
Random memory, but do you still have that music video you shot at Saltair
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