It didn't take me long to figure out that Halloween is a pretty big deal at Stampin' Up. By the time I was hired last month, my department had long since decided on a Lord of the Rings theme, so most of the key characters were already spoken for. Faced with settling for a lesser character like Eomer or Denethor, I instead opted for something a little more creative.
I coated a large inner tube with gold spray paint, then after a few painstaking hours with a sharpie, I transformed myself into the symbol of all evil in Middle Earth—The One Ring. There were several other great costumes on our team, helping us earn first place in the group costume category of the company costume contest. Photos are forthcoming, but as part of our presentation we utilized the green screen in the video studio to put together an awesomely bad movie trailer. My primary contribution (aside from my brief scenes) was successfully lobbying to include the Legolas/Gimli "what about side-by-side with a friend?" moment.
3 weeks ago
Please tell me you didn't use papyrus...
Holy smokes that was awesome. Can I come work at your work?
Papyrus wasn't my choice, but I think it was used as a joke.
I'd be happy to put in a good word for you. Just know that you are required to speak some Elvish in your interview.
Funniest part? "AND MY AXE!" Ha ha! LOL!
That was awesome as Ike said.
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